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  RISE Youth  

We love and highly value our youth! We believe that they are the pillars of hope for the next generation and we believe that God has a beautiful plan for each and every one of them. Our hope is that they will encounter the love of God, find their true identities in Christ and encounter the Holy Spirit so that they would be empowered to love God and to love others.

  Our Values  


To seek the Father’s heart. Through worship, prayer, and His word, we desire to enter into and experience His presence.


Matthew 22:37-38


To love others just as Jesus first loved us. We value family and a culture of honour.


Matthew 22:39

To hear the voice of God and to follow His lead. We want to be empowered and excited to walk with God in our daily lives, no matter where we go or what we do. We welcome all youth to come and encounter the love of Jesus Christ!


Matthew 28:18-20 / Acts 1:8

  Ministry Leader  

Marco Canlas
RISE Youth Pastor

The youth are a vital part of our church community and we journey together with them while sowing into them love and hope and raising up leaders that bring revival wherever they go.

We welcome all youth to come and encounter the love of Jesus Christ and discover who they are in Him.


Have a question about our

Youth Ministry?


We'd love to connect with you!

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1 - Youth Night 

15 - Youth Night

29 - Summer Kickoff



6 - Youth Night

12-14 - Summer Youth Retreat

w/ Living Hope Fellowship

20 - Youth at the Park



3 - Youth at the Park

17 - Summer Ender (Biking at Stanley Park)



7 - Break (No youth night)

21 - Youth Fall Kickoff 


  Check us out on Instagram!  


  Summer 2024 Schedule 

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